Thursday, April 30, 2009


I think this short video shows some of the horrible thing that happened in the past. What happened to the Jewish people was absolutely terrible. I can not understand how they can treat people like that, as if they were not even people. I think the stories of survivors of concentration camps are difficult stories that need to be told. The world needs to know the horrors that people went through during the holocaust. The holocaust is an important part of world history that all people should be educated on. It is hard to believe that something so horrendous happened in the last century, but it is also hard to believe that some people do not believe it happened. Everyone should learn about what happened because if people do not know history it is bound to repeat itself, and the holocaust is one thing that should never be relived.


I think this is a good analogy for gossip. It really show what gossip can do, and how awful it is. I think it shows how once something is said it really can not be taken back. We must always choose our words carefully because we may regret them later. Gossip is the kind of thing that many people will regret later in life. Once something is said about someone it can not be unsaid, and their reputation can not be mended so easily. Gossip can easily ruin someone's reputation and trust in the person who gossips. Trust and a person's reputation will not be easy to get back no matter how hard a person may try.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Genome project

For my genre of music I chose doo-wop. Doo-wop is usually associated with the fifties. I chose this genre because the 1950's is one of my favorite decades. The doo-wop music is very harmonious with a lot of melodies. I tried to choose songs that really showed the true doo-wop. The songs I chose showed the main traits of doo-wop, and showed them well. The songs had the harmonious voices and the senseless lyrics so often associated with doo-wop. I tried to pick songs that embodies doo-wop but were still different, so I tried to choose some fast and slower songs. Overall, I really enjoyed the project and learned a lot about a genre of music that I did not really know much about but I enjoyed listening to it.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break

Overall my spring was pretty good. I didn't go anywhere but it was still fun at home. I was in our church's Passion play, it actually turned out much better than anyone expected it to. One of my favorite things about break is the chance to relax, so that's what I did. I spent time with some friends. We played games like Skip Bo and Phase Ten, watched movies, and we drank koolaid. My friends and I tried to make a domino shape, but it didn't work because it fell to many times and we lost patience. I had a lot of fun on spring break but I wish it had been a little warmer because it was rather chilly.