Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Break

Overall my spring was pretty good. I didn't go anywhere but it was still fun at home. I was in our church's Passion play, it actually turned out much better than anyone expected it to. One of my favorite things about break is the chance to relax, so that's what I did. I spent time with some friends. We played games like Skip Bo and Phase Ten, watched movies, and we drank koolaid. My friends and I tried to make a domino shape, but it didn't work because it fell to many times and we lost patience. I had a lot of fun on spring break but I wish it had been a little warmer because it was rather chilly.

1 comment:

  1. Wow that sounds really cool! Sometimes it's better to just have some time to relax and just stay home for the break. Going other places is a lot of fun but involves not sleep! Then when you get back to school you don't really feel like you've had a break at all. Also, I definitely agree with you on the weather. Since when does it snow in April!! I think that snow means that it was not a true, authentic spring break and we should get another one to compensate. That would make me feel a lot better. It was truly ridiculous! What is Skip Bo and Phase Ten? I have never heard of those games.
